Put your hand up if you are facing the following challenges.

Imagine if you can have a programme that provides you with strategies and ideas to help you solve these challenges. Today you can! Get The Brand Playbook Course, all our Templates and Our Signature Book at our Launch Price!

  • We need to build a brand that can get us more business and sales.

  • We need ideas and strategies that we can use against our competition.

  • We are overwhelmed by the thought of Branding.

  • We need to Win and Stand Out in our cluttered marketplace.

  • Our team is lacking ideas to get started when it comes to Brand Building.

  • We need a powerful resource that can help the marketing team get started.

Our Launch Price of $197

Get The Brand Playbook Course AND must-have resources to match with the course!

  • $197.00

    Get The Brand Playbook PLUS US$422 worth of Bonuses!


Every Feature You Could Ever Want to Grow and Build your Brand

Get all 88 of our best plays covering awesome marketing, branding strategies and ideas you can use in your campaigns, in building your brand and includes templates and worksheets for every play.

  • Robust learning

    Over 5 hours of video lessons with our 88 plays!

  • Downloadable worksheets to put Strategy into Practice

    Use our 88 practice worksheets to test the Plays that you think will fit your organization.

  • Real-life consulting experiences

    Learn from real-life consulting experiences. Over 23 years of real-life consulting experiences in 34 countries with 1,000 brands.

  • Impact Brand through BrandMapping™ Framework

    With so many strategies and ideas, you will be inspired to take action using our Signature BrandMapping™ template

  • Actionable Brand Advice

    Actionable advice you can use right away. Choose the right tactics for your brand.

  • Ranked No 2 Thought Leader

    Learn from a Global Thought Leader, Dr. Jerome Joseph who is ranked No 2 in the World as Brand Expert

  • Powerful Case Studies

    Learn from real-life examples of companies that are using the plays.

  • 24/7 Business Inspiration

    With full access to this program, you can access any of the plays, anytime to inspire you with ideas on Winning in the Market

But wait, there’s more...

During this special pre-launch promotion, we are throwing in several premium products and tools to help with your Branding, worth US$442

  • BONUS 1: The Brand Playbook (Digital Copy) US$25 Value

    Get a copy of our international best-seller, The Brand Playbook from which this course is based on.

  • BONUS 2: Global Brand Trends Masterclass US$297 Value

    Another treasury of strategies and ideas, the Global Trends Mini Course will help you impact your brand by understanding how trends can provide you with a strategic advantage in the marketplace.

  • BONUS 3: Internal Branding Ebook US$20 Value

    This book features World-class internal branding strategies that will help you grow your brand, foster employee engagement, build loyalty, and impact your bottomline.

  • BONUS 4: Brand Management Checklist US$50 Value

    A comprehensive brand checklist to evaluate your current brand to provide you with a powerful framework.

Dr. Jerome Joseph, Instructor & Author

About your instructor

Chief Experience Officer

Dr. Jerome Joseph

Dr. Jerome Joseph has worked with over 1,000 brands, including many Fortune 500 companies, in 35 countries. His past experience as a CEO of a public listed brand consultancy and his 24 years of consulting has led to a powerful combination of real-life consulting experience, global expertise, and proven speaking skills. Jerome Joseph is the bestselling author of 8 books on Branding. He is an award-winning Brand Speaker focused on Brand Strategy, Brand Experience, Internal Brand, Personal Branding and Branded Customer Experience. In 2018, Jerome Joseph was recognized as one of the Top 30 Global Gurus in Branding in the world and is the only Asian based in Asia to be on the list. He was ranked No 2 in the world as a Brand Thought Leader in 2020.

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Welcome to the course!

    • Introduction: Welcome to Winning

  • 2

    Plays 1 - 10

    • Play 1: Use Time as a Differentiator

    • Play 2: Create a Distinctive Logo

    • Play 3: Push Yourself to be Better (and make sure people know it)

    • Play 4: Use your Product's Country of Origin to Your Advantage

    • Play 5: Be the Underdog

    • Play 6: Be Shocking or Unusual

    • Play 7: Own Your Category

    • Play 8: Create Your Very Own Category

    • Play 9: Tell Your Unique Brand Story

    • Play 10: Humanise Your Corporate Brand with Your Founder or Leader's Personal Brand

  • 3

    Plays 11 - 20

    • Play 11: Use History to Define Your Brand's Future

    • Play 12: Own an Everlasting Idea

    • Play 13: Break the Traditional Rules and Be Disruptive

    • Play 14: Stop Cutting Corners & Put Your Customers First

    • Play 15: Find a Solution to a Global Problem

    • Play 16: Create a Real Buzz

    • Play 17: Change the Way Your Customers Buy

    • Play 18: Make People Feel Better About Themselves and their World

    • Play 19: Create Communities

    • Play 20: Reinvent Your Customer Experience

  • 4

    Plays 21 - 30

    • Play 21: Make your Product Feel More Personal

    • Play 22: Link Your Brand to Special Occasions

    • Play 23: License Your Brand

    • Play 24: Develop a Breakaway Brand

    • Play 25: Change Your Brand Name

    • Play 26: Use Symbolism

    • Play 27: Create Something New

    • Play 28: Have a Strong Brand Identification

    • Play 29: Establish that You are an Expert in What You Do

    • Play 30: Use Ingredient Branding

  • 5

    Plays 31 - 40

    • Play 31: Target a Market Strategically to Create Your Brand

    • Play 32: Offer VIP-Only Access

    • Play 33: Reflect Your Company Values in Your Brand

    • Play 34: Take a Stand

    • Play 35: Widen Your Reach

    • Play 36: Engage All Senses

    • Play 37: Use a Famous Face

    • Play 38: Promote Simplicity & Purity

    • Play 39: Unleash the Power of Emotions

    • Play 40: Have Great Aesthetics & Design

  • 6

    Plays 41 - 50

    • Play 41: Optimise Social Media Posts

    • Play 42: Create a Unique Buying Experience

    • Play 43: Treat Your Customers Better than Anyone

    • Play 44: Share Your Success Stories

    • Play 45: Keep Moving Forward During Adversity

    • Play 46: Have a Brand Plan (create a brand roadmap)

    • Play 47: Use Professional Online Networks

    • Play 48: Change the Conversation

    • Play 49: Build Your Internal Brand

    • Play 50: Crank up the Volume

  • 7

    Plays 51 - 60

    • Play 51: Support a Social Cause

    • Play 52: Keep Tracking Your Brand Through Customer Feedback

    • Play 53: Consistency is the Key

    • Play 54: Use a Slogan

    • Play 55: Use Small Gestures to Personalise Your Service

    • Play 56: Study Your Competition

    • Play 57: Prove Your Value

    • Play 58: Flank Your Competition

    • Play 59: Show Social Proof

    • Play 60: Become a Product Leader

  • 8

    Plays 61 - 70

    • Play 61: Make a Statement with Your Pricing

    • Play 62: Innovate

    • Play 63: Create a Sense of Urgency

    • Play 64: Be Transparent

    • Play 65: Pour Your Heart Into It

    • Play 66: Rebrand

    • Play 67: Ethical Branding

    • Play 68: Create a Cult

    • Play 69: Sex Sells

    • Play 70: Collaborate with Online Influencers

  • 9

    Plays 71 - 80

    • Play 71: Know Your Brand Architecture

    • Play 72: Focus on USBs, Not USPs

    • Play 73: Stick with What You Know When Leveraging

    • Play 74: Reinforce your Brand Promise

    • Play 75: Give Your Existing Products a Face Lift

    • Play 76: Embrace User-Generated Content

    • Play 77: Build Your Credibility

    • Play 78: Use Crowdsourcing as a Strategy

    • Play 79: Create Brand Rituals

    • Play 80: Use Choice to Liberate, Not Complicate

  • 10

    Plays 81 - 88

    • Play 81: Be Patient

    • Play 82: Use Brand Segmentation

    • Play 83: Develop Distinctive Brand Collateral

    • Play 84: Use a Mascot

    • Play 85: Stand Out on the Shelves

    • Play 86: Serve and Unmet Need

    • Play 87: Use Co-Branding

    • Play 88: Price Leadership

  • 11


    • Conclusion

What people say about The Brand Playbook

Highly recommended

Andrew Bryant, Best Selling Author of Self Leadership – 12 Powerful Mindsets & Method to Win in Life & Business

“The Brand Playbook will let you inside the head of a Global Brand Expert, Jerome Joseph, and put practical strategies at your fingertips – Highly Recommended.”


Frederick Fong, Director, Marketing Excellence (Asia), Zuellig Pharma Holdings Pte Ltd

“As a veteran brand marketer, I know how important it is for executives to personify their brand characteristics to raise their game. Strong Branding anchors a company’s position and is critical to its story. Brand Guru, Jerome Joseph has written a powerful Brand Playbook that will inspire you to gain an advantage in your marketplace and raise your Brand game!.“

Actionable & powerful ideas!

Alex Chua, Chief Executive Officer, Charisma Academy

“Whether it is by business owners or marketing executives, there is a need to get your brand done well. Having worked with Jerome over the years, I know he does branding extremely well. The Brand Playbook is a tremendous guide for anyone who is leading and managing their brand. It is filled with Jerome’s actionable and powerful ideas to get you moving ahead of your competition.”

I am a big fan!

Alvin Choong, Executive Director, Financial Services

“I have seen Jerome consult and speak on Branding and I am big fan. He is deeply insightful and very strategic when it comes to branding and speaks with passion when communicating his message. With the Brand Playbook, you get an amazing book from a World-Class Brand Guru that will support you and your organization on your Brand Journey.”

I know first-hand how good he is!

Mee Lin, Global Learning and Development, Dell Technologies

“Having been in Human Resources & LND for more than 25 years, I see the crucial need for organisations and employees to invest and build their corporate brand and personal brand respectively. Having worked with Jerome Joseph, I know first-hand how good he is when it comes to impacting and transforming corporate and personal brands through speaking, consulting and thought leadership. He is able to drive this impact for every session that he has conducted with us so very well, and we do see amazing results!”

Start winning in your marketplace!

Learn from top brands and test yourself to go to the next level in Branding!